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and the French
art de vivre

It’s difficult to define a concept that encompasses so many enigmatic facets. The French way of life is full of culture, gastronomy, elegance and refinement. It permeates every day customs and inspires boldness and originality.

French art de vivre is also a willingness to break with convention. Why follow the rules when rebellion can get you such sweeter results? We didn’t take the established conventions too seriously at Maison Villevert and that’s how we achieved such a unique Gin de France.

We looked to the past to construct a new product for the future. Our inspiration came from the earliest forms of gin, from the French land itself and wine-making traditions. It was a natural choice to use grapes instead of grains for G’Vine Floraison. It’s a delicate rebellion that delivers passion through its bouquet of flavors.

The French touch of G’Vine Floraison has charmed gin lovers the world over. It is now one of the three most globally popular super premium gins.

Grappes de raisin

The Gin de France

Mixology is an ancient art experiencing a modern revolution. Some drinks are carefully created, while others are an accidental success. Gin and tonic happens to be one of the latter. In the early 19th century, British soldiers were looking for a way to dilute the bitter taste of the quinine they took to fight malaria. In order to mask its flavor they added it to a mixture of gin, tonic water, lime, and sugar. And thus, one of the most famous cocktails in the world was born!

The quality and breadth of gins increased greatly throughout history, and the 1920s saw the golden age of cocktails in Europe. The United States followed, and in the mid 20th century experienced a surge in gin cocktails, including the martini. The martini– gin and a dash of dry vermouth– represented the pinnacle of the “gin lifestyle,” before vodka, rum, and whiskey took over as the most popular alcohols in the 1960s.

It wasn’t until the aughts that gin started to rise in popularity again, with its imports increasing by over 500 percent in the last decade. Around that same time, in 2006, Jean-Sébastien Robicquet decided it was time for a French gin to be on the market. His goal was simple; he wanted to stand out from the traditional dry gins of the U.K., and bring a fresh breath of innovation to a classic spirit. In this fashion, G’Vine Floraison was created, using grapes, vine blossoms, and ten other aromatic plants and spices.

A product that celebrates grape in all of its forms, enhances it with aromatic plants and spices, and taps into an ancestral savoir-faire, G’Vine perfectly illustrates the refinement of French art de vivre. It can be found in homes, in luxury bars and rooftops. Like our wine, now our gin has become part of France’s global imprint.


In recent years, gin consumption has risen sharply, particularly in North America, Spain, England, and France. Along with it, a passion for mixology has grown. Bartenders and gin lovers alike appreciate G’Vine Floraison for the experiments and cocktail creations it inspires.

Le Raisin, Ingrédient noble du gin